Machine injection plastique Open Tip


Logo Open Tip® système ouverture sac facile

INNOVATION is an integral part of our company’s DNA. VIEL PLASTIQUES has always had to innovate in order to remain competitive and find new markets. Our will is to bring new systems for better practicality of use of the packaging, we market today a new innovative system which is called « Open Tip® ».

The Open Tip® is our easy opening/closing system for bags, a field in which our company has specialised for over 10 years. This patented system is equipped with a pouring spout and can be adapted to any facing, back, or bag gusset. Ideal for small and medium capacity bags the Open Tip® is THE solution you need with many possible applications (Food, Petfood, Gardening)

Our company also manufactures and markets the « Tear&Tip® » which is a sliding opening system, adapted to large capacity bags (4 kg to 15 kg).

The different uses of the Open Tip

Fermeture facile sac petfood
  • Pet Food 
  • Birdseed
  • Dog food
  • Cat food
Ouverture facile sac alimentation
  • Catering
  • Pasta
  • Cereals
Fermeture facile sac bricolage
  • Hardware
  • Cement
  • etc.
Ouverture facile sac jardinage
  • Gardening
  • Fertiliser
Système ouverture facile Open Tip® par Viel Plastiques Internationale
Système fermeture facile Open Tip® par Viel Plastiques Internationale

Open Tip®

Made in France, Open Tip® is an innovative, effective and economical easy-opening system for bags from 750g.

Composed of a plastic pouring spout, Open Tip® improves the convenience of your bag and provides the end user with ease and precision of pouring while guaranteeing good product protection and the absence of odour.

Adaptable to different products and bags, Open Tip® systems help to maintain the quality of the product they contain.

We are able to provide a bagging machine that will fit on your bag-making lines.

Overview of the On-Width Dispensing Machine
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